Top 8 Tips and Tricks for “Design for 3D Printing”

In this article (as part of our education series) we provide a lot of tips and tricks to help you improve your design skills especially for 3D printing.

Design for 3d printing guide

Tip 1: Make sure there is an inner chamfer whenever you create an outer one.

Design for 3d printing guide

Tip 2: Make sure bottom or base has a slight chamfer.

Design for 3d printing guide

Tip 3: Maximum overhang angle shouldn’t exceed 60.

Design for 3d printing guide

Tip 4: Make sure there is a flat surface.

Design for 3d printing guide

Tip 5: Make sure holes are chamfered.

Design for 3d printing

Tip 6: Avoid low resolutions when exporting 3d models.

Tips and tricks for 3d designs

Tip 7: Avoid thin walls ( minimum thickness should be 1mm ).

tips and tricks for 3d design

Tip 8: Avoid sharp corners.


3D Printing in Egypt